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Shannon Cline, LMHC

apartment Saint Augustine, FL
thumb_up 40%
5 reviews
Avg Wait Time
24 min

Patient Reviews

40% Positive
5 patient reviews
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thumb_down Bad Experience
Wait Time: 60+ minutes

Horrible bigot of a counselor! You really need to screen your people .. prior to just hiring anyone. You hired a racist ,bigot spewing lies online . T...

Jan 21, 2021  •  Anonymous

thumb_up Good Experience
Wait Time: 15 minutes

I would rather people talk to a tree than do business with this bigot racist hat flicking proud boy supporting idiot human being. I’m glad TikTok bann...

Jan 21, 2021  •  Jay J.

thumb_down Bad Experience
Wait Time: 15 minutes

This counselor is unstable, please do not consider her.

Jan 12, 2021  •  Anonymous

thumb_up Good Experience
Wait Time: 15 minutes

This woman supports physical racist fueled violence. Google her tik tok account while she laughs at blowhole being injured by the proud boys.

Jan 12, 2021  •  Christina H.

thumb_down Bad Experience
Wait Time: 15 minutes

Please find a different counselor. This woman has violent tendencies, and the last thing I’d entrust her with is my mental health. There are many othe...

Jan 11, 2021  •  Anonymous